Hi my friends! I just went this morning to log into my website and noticed it was down. I just called my hosting company and they said the site should be back online within about 20 minutes. I also learned they "will be installing new
hardware on the core switches that are used by the webserver
that hosts your account..." "The upgrade can take up to an hour and will occur on October 22,2008, sometime between 12 am and 6 am Central Time."
I realize most people are sleeping during those hours, but I still wanted to let you know! My blog seems to never be affected by "downtimes". I don't know how that works... You can reach this blog by going direct to www.travisjohansen.blogspot.com
Anywho- Have a great day! Things have been absolutely crazy here! I have a bunch of blogs to post when I get a chance! Sometime this weekend is what I'm thinking- stay tuned!