Yesterday's session with Camryn was COLD! We had the wind blowing snow sideways and I think the temperature were in the single digits. She was such a little trooper! We were having tons of fun until the last straw- her boot came off in the snow. Enjoy :)
Here's Kyleigh's family- Sorry I forgot to blog their session this fall. Better late then never right? (I guess you probably figured it was an old blog since the grass is green- and right now we have snow on the ground) Side note: they are kinda my "other" family given I'm there most days of the week and eat dinner over there and hang out quite often. Pretty much my life = Work + School + Taylor House. Yep- really cool family.
Enjoy :)
We had really harsh direct overhead sunlight (one little cloud in the bright blue sky- didn't help us much), so I decided to take advantage of the fact and catch my shadow!